Sunday 17 August 2014

Students of the Week Profiles

Tristan got student of the week for showing great improvement with his swimming. Here is a profile about Tristan;
Question 1: How old are you?
Answer: Nine.
Question 2: How did you improve on your swimming?
Answer: I can put my head under the water, I can do backstroke and I can go to the middle of the pool by myself.
Question 3: What is your favourite song?
Answer: Nothing.
Question 4: If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Answer: I don't like any animals.
Question 5: Who is your best friend?
Answer: Kyle.

Chloe won student of the week for writing a great information report about redback spiders. Here is a profile about Chloe;
Question 1: Do you like redback spiders?
Answer: No.
Question 2: Who are your best friends?
Answer: Paige and Elly.
Question 3: What is your shoe size?
Answer: It's either 12, 11 or 2.
Question 4: What is your favourite song?
Answer: A song from Equestria Girls called 'Shake Your Tails.'
Question 5: Are you scared of ghosts?
Answer: They're not real.

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