Thursday 31 July 2014


Our students had to do a class presentation on their own chosen topics. The students established their own assessment criteria in the form of a checklist.

The students then gave their presentations, whilst another student marked their speech. They then gave the student feedback on how to improve on their next presentation.

The following assessment criteria was written by the students;

  • The speaker should speak in a loud voice.
  • The speaker should make good eye contact with the audience.
  • The speaker should use expression in their voice.
  • The speaker should control their breathing.
  • The speaker should speak clearly.
  • The speaker shouldn't just read from a piece of paper.
  • The speaker shouldn't speak for more than 5 minutes.
  • The speaker should have good knowledge of their chosen topic.

Here is a video of Emma's presentation about netball.

This video shows Jackson's assessment of Emma's presentation.

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