Thursday 19 June 2014

Explanation Pieces

In Big Write this week Elly, Eva and Amelia 2/3A wrote some explanation pieces, describing the life cycles of an apple, a frog and a meal worm.

Thanks to Amelia,  Elly and Eva for sharing their work.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

2/3A Art

2/3A created these fantastic pieces of art in Mr Lewis's art class.

Thanks to Aliya, Eliza, Lily, James, Tahlia, Amelia and Eva for sharing their work.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Term Two Briars Excursion

To celebrate Environment Week, our class travelled to The Briars on the Mornington Peninsula.

The aim of the excursion is to raise the students awareness of sustainability, and the things they can do to leave a positive mark on the local environment.

Here are some photos of the excursion.

Term One Easter Hat Parade

Here are some photos from the whole school Easter Hat Parade Day in term one.

Well done to all the students who made some fantastic hats for the day!


Explanations - Life Cycle Of A Butterfly.

Here are some explanation writing pieces, detailing the life cycle of a butterfly.

Thanks to Tayler, Eliza, Eva and Tahlia for sharing their work!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Units of Measurement

We've been learning about units of measurement.

This video by Elly and Paige will explain what a 'formal' unit of measurement is and why we need them.



Aboriginal Artwork

Our grade has been learning about the significance of Aboriginal culture in Australia.

We decided to create our own artwork of native animals in Aboriginal style.

We hope you enjoy our grade's creative works!

Paul Jennings

Our grade has been reading some weird and fantastic Paul Jennings stories over the course of term two.

2/3A has created newspaper articles based upon events in these stories.

Here are a few selected newspapers for you to enjoy!

Term 2 Cooking

Hi guys here are some photos of 2/3A in cooking class this week.

The class made;

Thick Vegetable Soup
Potato and Lentil Dahl
Bittern Mixed Salad
Lemon Crunch Muffins

Thanks to all of our volunteers for assisting on the day!