Tuesday 25 February 2014

Welcome To 2/3A

Hello everyone and welcome back!

This year has started off well and everything couldn't have ran better if I had asked, the students are all settled in now after being back for a solid month and everything is now in full swing!

After a few weeks of uncertainty, we have finally been able to work out what our timetable will be for this year. As follows, the correct footwear and equipment should be provided for your children on days where it will be needed for their out-of-classroom activities with Mr. Lewis and Mr. E. If any further changes are made to our timetable we will notify you and make an update on our blog for you all to see.

Art will be on a Monday before recess (please supply art smocks for this day)
ICT will be on Tuesdays just before we head out to recess
PE will follow ICT on Tuesdays first thing, so make sure the students have runners on their feet!

Already this year we have been in the Westernport Festival Parade, marching down main street with our heads held high showing the community how proud of our school we are! We would all like to thank all the families that came and showed support for our school and students. We truly appreciate the parent involvement in our school and all the events we participate in as well as our fundraisers throughout each school year! I hope to see a lot of your faces (new and old) at as many of our events as possible as the year goes on.

Feel free to drop by the classroom before or after school if you have any questions about what we are doing in class or how you can become more involved in our school.

Thanks, Lucas Durrington.